ORTHOPEDIC SURGERYChoosing the Right Bone PlateWhat are the main types of bone plate?What criteria should you take into account when choosing a bone plate?Bones plates: locking or not?LEARN MORE
ORTHOPEDIC SURGERYChoosing the Right Interbody Fusion CageWhat are the different types of interbody fusion cages?What are the different surgical approaches?Are there interbody fusion cages with specific characteristics?LEARN MORE
ORTHOPEDIC SURGERYChoosing the Right Knee ProsthesisWhy choose a three-compartment or unicompartmental prosthesis?How to choose between standard or customized instrumentation?How do I choose between a fixed or mobile bearing?LEARN MORE
ORTHOPEDIC SURGERYChoosing the Right Surgical Power ToolHow to choose the right surgical power tool?What characteristics should you take into account according to the application?What are the different power sources available?LEARN MORE
ORTHOPEDIC SURGERYChoosing the Right Hip ProsthesisWhat are the components of a hip prosthesis?What are the main materials a hip prosthesis is made of?What are the main ways of fixing hip prostheses?LEARN MORE
ORTHOPEDIC SURGERYChoosing the Right Surgical Power ToolHow to choose the right surgical power tool?What characteristics should you take into account according to the application?What are the different power sources available?LEARN MORE
ORTHOPEDIC SURGERYChoosing the Right Bone PlateWhat are the main types of bone plate?What criteria should you take into account when choosing a bone plate?Bones plates: locking or not?LEARN MORE
ORTHOPEDIC SURGERYChoosing the Right Hip ProsthesisWhat are the components of a hip prosthesis?What are the main materials a hip prosthesis is made of?What are the main ways of fixing hip prostheses?LEARN MORE