Choosing the Right Rehabilitation System

A rehabilitation system is for medical use and allows patients to perform motor or cognitive exercises to develop or restore certain functions, such as gait, balance, limb mobility, grip strength, focus, memory, etc.

View our rehabilitation systems

  • What are rehabilitation systems used for?

    Rehabilitation systems are mainly used for patients who have had a stroke, spinal injuries or trauma, neuralgia and/or joint pain, and muscular atrophy caused by neurodegenerative disease.

    • Cerebral Vascular Accidents (CVA): Poor blood supply to the brain often causes neuromotor sequelae. After a stroke, rehabilitation usually begins in the hospital and aims to restore potentially lost functions.
    • Injuries and trauma (particularly to the spine): Injuries to the spine (especially the neck and back) should be treated as soon as possible for the best results. Physiotherapy and rehabilitation make it possible to limit the sequelae of these injuries and traumas and reduce recovery time.
    • Neuralgia and/or joint pain: Rehabilitation can help relieve neuralgia and severe joint pain following an injury or surgery. Joint problems such as ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or gout usually cause stiffness and limited movement. Both physiotherapy and kinesiotherapy can relieve pain and increase the range of movement. With therapy, a patient also learns to mobilize the painful joints without damaging them further.
    • Muscle atrophy: Muscle atrophy, or amyotrophy, is a reduction in muscle mass, especially in the striated skeletal muscles, which are responsible for the movements we make on a daily basis. It can have various causes (genetic diseases, muscle diseases, nervous system diseases, prolonged immobilization, certain medications, etc.).
    • Other pathologies: Physical rehabilitation can also help a lot in cases of heart disease, lung problems, limb amputation, or neurodegenerative diseases.
    Gloreha robotic hand rehabilitation device

    Gloreha robotic hand rehabilitation device

  • What functions can be rehabilitated?

    Rehabilitation systems are designed to improve or restore certain motor and cognitive functions. Here are some of the applications of this equipment:

    • Motor functions:
      • Gait and movement
      • Balance and proprioception (conscious or unconscious perception of the position of different parts of the body)
      • Posture
      • Mobility of limbs, ability to climb steps, raise arms, etc.
      • Grip strength
    • Cognitive functions:
      • Memory: disorders and memory loss
      • Visuospatial skills: visual identification of the location of objects in relation to each other and to the individual
      • Language: speech therapy treats problems with language, communication, voice, speech fluency (stuttering), dysphagia (swallowing), etc.
    Reha Technology gait rehabilitation system

    Reha Technology gait rehabilitation system

  • What technologies are used in rehabilitation?

    Rehabilitation systems can be manual, robotic, computer-assisted, or a combination of these technologies.

    • Manual rehabilitation systems: These are mechanical devices that allow muscle groups to be exercised without any assistance other than that of the therapist.
    • Robotic rehabilitation systems: These are systems that provide robotic assistance to guide the patient’s training, facilitate certain movements, and mitigate strain, for example during limb movement.
    • Computer-assisted rehabilitation systems: Computerized systems use software (such as serious games), holographic interfaces, and virtual or augmented reality glasses, which make rehabilitation exercises more interesting and entertaining.
    • Combined systems: There are also combined rehabilitation systems, such as robotic systems associated with graphic interfaces, which make it possible to carry out interactive robot-assisted exercises.
    Hocoma pediatric rehabilitation system

    Hocoma pediatric rehabilitation system

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of virtual rehabilitation systems?

    Virtual or augmented reality systems designed for rehabilitation purposes are increasingly appearing. Below we highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of this type of technology.

    • Advantages:
      • Greater patient motivation compared to conventional methods, thanks to the interest aroused by virtual environments.
      • Greater adaptability and variety of exercises.
      • Possibility of easily monitoring, recording, and transmitting patient data.
      • Long-term cost reduction (once the amount invested in the initial purchase of the equipment has been recovered).
      • More possibilities for telerehabilitation.
    • Disadvantages:
      • Difficult to use for professionals and patients unfamiliar with computers.
      • High initial cost of equipment.
      • Need for more sophisticated infrastructure (e.g. IT network).
    Tyromotion virtual rehabilitation system

    Tyromotion virtual rehabilitation system

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