PRIMARY CAREChoosing the Right SpirometerWhat are the different types of spirometers?In what applications is spirometry used?What does a spirometry test consist of?LEARN MORE
ORTHOPEDIC SURGERYChoosing the Right Interbody Fusion CageWhat are the different types of interbody fusion cages?What are the different surgical approaches?Are there interbody fusion cages with specific characteristics?LEARN MORE
DENTALChoosing the Right Dental ImplantWhat are the different types of dental implants?What materials are dental implants made from?What are the different types of connections between implants and abutments?LEARN MORE
MEDICAL IMAGINGChoosing the Right Flat Panel DetectorWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of a flat panel detector compared to film?What other criteria should you take into account when choosing a flat panel detector?What is the service life of a flat panel detector?LEARN MORE
MEDICAL CONSUMABLESChoosing the Right NeedleWhat are the main types of medical needles?What questions should you ask when choosing a medical needle?What are the characteristics of a safety needle?LEARN MORE
SURGERY UNITChoosing the Right Surgical LightWhat are the criteria for choosing a surgical light?What type of light bulbs are recommended for surgical lights?What is the recommended lighting intensity?LEARN MORE
LABORATORYChoosing the Right Rapid TestHow is a rapid test used?What are rapid tests used for?What are the main analysis methods?LEARN MORE
CARDIOLOGYChoosing the Right Implantable Cardiac StimulatorWhat kind of cardiac stimulator should be used for which condition?What are the different types of implantable cardiac stimulators?How is a cardiac stimulator implanted?LEARN MORE
SURGERY UNITChoosing the Right VentilatorHow does artificial ventilation work?What are the main uses of a breathing ventilator?What are the main ventilation modes?LEARN MORE
FURNITURE, LOGISTICSChoosing the Right Medical BedWhat are the selection criteria for a medical bed?What options are available for a hospital bed?How to choose a bed for homecare?LEARN MORE
PRIMARY CAREChoosing the Right Medical Thermometer How to choose a medical thermometer?What technical characteristics should be taken into account when choosing a medical thermometer?What are the differences between the measurement points?LEARN MORE
LABORATORYChoosing the Right Laboratory/Medical RefrigeratorWhat are refrigerators used for in the health sector?What features are important when choosing a refrigerator?How to ensure user safety when choosing a scientific refrigerator?LEARN MORE
MEDICAL CONSUMABLESChoosing a Surgical Mask or RespiratorHow to choose a surgical mask or respirator?Why choose a surgical mask?Why choose a respirator?LEARN MORE
LABORATORYPRIMARY CAREChoosing the Right Blood Glucose MeterHow do blood glucose meters work?What are the most important features of a blood glucose meter?What are the measurement principles of a blood glucose meter?LEARN MORE
PRIMARY CAREChoosing the Right SphygmomanometerWhat are the different types of sphygmomanometers?Should you choose an electronic blood pressure monitor or a manual sphygmomanometer?What other criteria should you take into account when choosing a sphygmomanometer?LEARN MORE