Both mesotherapy and microneedling techniques use needles, but the number of needles they use and their penetration length differ, as do the treatment duration, injected products and conditions they treat. Originally developed to inject drugs into the layer of fat under the dermis, mesotherapy is used today in cosmetic surgery to fight against skin aging. There are advantages to both techniques:
- Microneedling:
- Superior aesthetic results (promotes collagen and elastin production)
- Mainly used for the following treatments: facial acne scars, expression lines around the eyes, wrinkles on the neck, surgical scars on the abdomen, etc.
- Mesotherapy:
- More comfortable sessions than micro-needling (shorter sessions requiring only one needle)
- Mainly used to revitalize the epidermis by treating the deepest layers of the skin
- Mainly used for: facial acne scars, sagging skin, dull and dehydrated skin, wrinkles and fine lines, hyperpigmentation, etc.
Anti Aging Medical Systems mesotherapy gun